South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology
For centuries, he was lost. Only in recent 1991 he was eventually found, mummified and frozen. A Copper Age's man, with all his clothes and equipments... these were great news for the archaeologists, as for the entire world.
They have been on exhibit since March 1998 at the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology.
A lot of studies and highly specialised researches have been made during the following years until 1998, when all of those have been exhibited at the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology and are been still shown to all guests.
South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology
The Provincial Museum of Archaeology was inaugurated in 1998. The iceman is here permanently exhibited as a document of the prehistory among other repertories that show the past and early history of South Tyrol from the end of the last Ice Age (about 15,000 BC) to the time of Charlemagne (around 800 AD). The museum offers an exciting trip through prehistoric times in the Alps.
Relief models, reconstructions, stereoscopic images, videos, and interactive multimedia stations all make the journey back in time believable and, at the same time, entertaining. Inserted into the historical context, the heart of the exhibit is 'The Iceman', sometimes also called 'Ötzi', and the objects found with him.
More info & opening hours:
South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology
Museumstraße 43, I-39100 Bozen
Phone: +39 0471 320100
E-Mail: info@iceman.it
Web: iceman.it

In the Museum of Archaeology in Bozen, visitors can see the original findings and hsitorical details about Ötzi.
Südtiroler Archäologiemuseum - Oskar VerantMuseums
Selected accommodations in Bozen

- Next to the fair centre of Bozen
- Air-conditioned seminar room
- Garden with pool
- Wellness area
- Breakfast on the terrace/conservatory