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23. October 2023

Sledding tours with huskies

Are you a dog fan and love winter sports close to nature? Then how about a dog sledding tour through the snowy South Tyrolean mountains? There are 2 providers in South Tyrol that offer tours with huskies: 1x in the Martell Valley and 1x on the Würzjoch. Accompanied by an adult, children from the age of 3 can take part on a dog sledding tour. Of course, such a tour is also a sporting adventure, but the focus is on the intensive experience of the winter and the successful communication between humans and animals.

Sledging with huskies
Sledging with huskies

Sledging with huskies


Elisa Vedovelli and Christian Niedermair

It all started with one husky, but Elisa and Christian now own 11 animals of this breed. The two South Tyroleans are enthusiastic mushers – as the drivers of a dog sled team are called.

The couple takes part in competitions, runs the Goldenmountain dogsport shop and offers various opportunities to explore the idyllic mountain world in Martell Valley together with their dogs. In winter, you can choose between a sledding tour and a snowshoe hike, each of which also offers a nighttime option. In summer, there is a trekking tour or a ride on the training cart (which has wheels instead of runners).

Greta Bonavoglia and Italo Facenti

For most of the year, Greta and Italo's 25 huskies are trained on the beach and in the Rimini area. However, when the Dolomites in South Tyrol show their deep winter side, the time has come to harness the agile dogs to the sled. Under the name Huskysleddog, Greta and Italo offer various dog sledding tours in the Gardertal valley and especially on the Würzjoch – even after sunset. The Würzjoch (Ladin: Ju de Börz) is a 1,982-metre high mountain pass at the foot of the Peitlerkofel, which can only be reached by car in winter from the Gadertal valley via St. Martin in Thurn. Italo and Greta's huskies are dogs that are no longer used in sled dog races for various reasons, but they pull small and large two-legged friends through the snowy landscape with great vigour.

For further information and registration, you can contact Greta and Italo directly or the St. Vigil tourist office.

Husky sled dogs
Husky sled dogs

Husky sled dogs

Husky Sleddog

A breed that you have to discover first!

The Siberian Husky dog breed is truly fascinating: they are the smallest and fastest of all sled dogs, and they are survivalists: in a snowstorm, they can get completely snowed in. They then curl up and tuck their nose under their tail. The tail warms and filters the air, allowing huskies to spend a whole night unharmed under the snow. Their fur, which consists of robust top coat and fine undercoat, keeps them warm and provides optimum thermal insulation.

There are huskies with brown or amber-coloured eyes, but also with bright blue eyes. Some animals have a particularly fascinating appearance, as one eye is blue and the other brown. Regardless of eye colour, Siberian Huskies are persistent and hard-working, friendly and intelligent dogs that don't just want to be physically challenged. They also like a cuddle now and again, but above all they need the pack and lots of exercise and activity.

Text: Lisa

We are a colourful mix of nature-loving, adventurous and creative editors. All based in South Tyrol, we share the love of writing and photography, the mountains and culture. Our passion is to constantly discover new stories about the land and its people, about identity and tradition, about South Tyrol's quiet places and thousand faces. With our texts and pictures, we want to show you the beauty of this contrasting region and arise your curiosity. But above all, we want one thing: to inspire you to travel.

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