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26. December 2024

Three Churches for the Three Wise Men

Christmas has just passed, but the festivities are not over yet! New Year's Eve is just around the corner and then 6 January, the last day of the Christmas season, still awaits us.

3 churches for the 3 Wise Men
3 churches for the 3 Wise Men

Epiphany in South Tyrol is celebrated with children going from house to house singing and bringing blessings.


Epiphany is celebrated on the day when the Three Wise Man, Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar, come to Jesus with their gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh.

On this day, it is traditional in South Tyrol for children, dressed as the Three Wise Men, to go from house to house singing songs. On this day, there is also the tradition of blessing the house with incense and writing C-M-B ('Christus mansionem benedicat') and the current year on the doorpost. In the rest of Italy, on the other hand, the Befana arrives, bringing a stocking full of sweets to good children or coal to children who have been naughty.

For the Feast of the Three Wise Men, we would like to present to you three truly impressive and fascinating churches. They are not imposing structures like the Brixen Cathedral or the Abbey of Marienberg, but for us these small churches have something special.

You don't have to be a believer to feel the energy that these three places emanate, perhaps also because of the beautiful natural surroundings in which they are set. If you are looking for a winter destination for a nice, rejuvenating and contemplative walk, these 3 suggestions will come in handy!

3 churches for the 3 Wise Men: Church of the Holy Spirit in Kasern
3 churches for the 3 Wise Men: Church of the Holy Spirit in Kasern

The Church of the Holy Spirit in Casare /Predoi in the Ahrntal Valley submerged in snow.

IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige/Alex Moling

Protected by a rock

The little church of Santo Spirito is located at the end of the Ahrntal Valley, in the small village of Kasern, in the municipality of Prettau. A rock protects the northernmost church in Italy from avalanches, which can come from the steep slope behind.

At one time, this rock was used as the so-called 'Schliefstein', those who crawled under it would, according to general belief, wipe away all their sins. The church is located at an altitude of 1,619 m and is frequented by pilgrims and hikers from spring to autumn. In winter it is even more beautiful, surrounded by snow-covered landscape.

Kathrein church in Hafling
Kathrein church in Hafling

The picturesque Kathrein church in Hafling is also worth a visit in winter.

Stephan Matzoll - Tourismusverein Hafling - Vöran - Meran 2000
St. Kathrein church
St. Kathrein church

The small church in Hafling is a popular photo spot.

Internet Consulting - Isabel Gräber

View of Meran

The Romanesque St Catherine's Church is located in a picturesque position on a hill in the village of the same name in the municipality of Hafling.

According to legend, two giants quarrelled so violently during the construction of this church that a rock was thrown into the air; the rock can still be seen today on a meadow below the church. In any case, the view from the hill over the spa town of Meran and the peaks of the Texel group is incredibly beautiful. And inside the church you can admire a splendid late Gothic winged altar.

3 churches for the 3 Wise Men - S. Maddalena Funes
3 churches for the 3 Wise Men - S. Maddalena Funes

St. Magdalena or Santa Maddalena with its characteristic church in front of the Geisler or Odle dolomites mountain peaks in the Val di Funes (Villnosstal) in Italy in winter.

iPics - Fotolia

Fantastic Dolomite backdrop

The Church of St Magdalena in the village of the same name in Villnöss is not as famous a photo motif as the neighbouring Church of St John in Ranui, but we personally like it just as much.

The late Gothic building from the 15th century (the bell tower is even older) is surrounded by the sacristan's house, the old school and the Obermesnerhof.

The structure harmonises perfectly with the unmistakable Geisler peaks in the background. As you contemplate these majestic mountains soaring into the sky, your problems will become smaller and you will be able to look at the world from new perspectives.

Finally, a tip for the summer season: among the pre-Carolingian and Gothic frescoes that you can admire in the Proculus Church in Naturns, there is also a depiction of the Three Wise Men paying homage to the baby Jesus. The church is only open a few days in winter and only for a short time.

Text: Silvia

We are a colourful mix of nature-loving, adventurous and creative editors. All based in South Tyrol, we share the love of writing and photography, the mountains and culture. Our passion is to constantly discover new stories about the land and its people, about identity and tradition, about South Tyrol's quiet places and thousand faces. With our texts and pictures, we want to show you the beauty of this contrasting region and arise your curiosity. But above all, we want one thing: to inspire you to travel.

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