Swimming pond Issing
The pond is located at about 1,000 m above sea level in Issing, a small locality that is part of the sunny village Pfalzen. In spite of the great variety of animals and plant you don’t have to worry that they contest your swimming place. Far from it! In fact the natural, well-kept ambience renders the special nature experience possible.
Pure nature is very important for the pond and its environs: The refreshing water is best spring water that elates biologists due to its quality and purity and is considered as very stimulatory. In the water there are no artificial substances and also the lawns are dunged only with natural additives.
Water fun & pure nature
In order to protect the small nature paradise in the Kronplatz Dolomites Region the visitors’ sense of responsibility is required, too and all bathers have to stick to some rules. For instance anybody has to take a shower before he goes swimming, to apply sun lotion sparingly and to be careful with the living space of dragonflies, frogs & Co.
Directly on the lakeside of the swimming pond Issing there are a lawn for sunbathing, a playground and a restaurant. If you would like to spice up a relaxing day with some action, we recommend you the neighbouring adventure park Kronaction. Moreover, you can visit Bergila, a nearby distillery for mountain pine oil with herb garden.
Further information:
Swimming pond Issing
Weiherplatz 2 – I-39030 Issing/Pfalzen
Phone: +39 0474 565684
E-mail: badesee@issingerweiher.it


The pond in Issing is a popular meeting point for swimmers in summer and provides a rich flora and fauna.
LemonArtStudio - Karl Portner
The pond in Issing is a popular meeting point for swimmers in summer and provides a rich flora and fauna.
LemonArtStudio - Karl Portner
... ist eines der letzten Teichbiotope in Südtirol, artenreich und vielfältig an Pflanzen und Tieren - ein natürliches Kleinod. Die außergewöhnliche Fülle an Flora und Fauna interessiert Biologen auf nationalem und internationalem Niveau.
Issinger Weiher
... ist eines der letzten Teichbiotope in Südtirol, artenreich und vielfältig an Pflanzen und Tieren - ein natürliches Kleinod. Die außergewöhnliche Fülle an Flora und Fauna interessiert Biologen auf nationalem und internationalem Niveau.
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