Zip Line
Only flying is better! Helmet on and finalized, harness readjusted, latch in and breathing deeply.

Thrill and adventure in the middle of the South Tyrolean Dolomites: The Adrenaline X-Treme Adventures Park in St. Vigil in Enneberg offers a 3.2 km long zipline.
Adrenaline X-treme Adventures
Thrill and adventure in the middle of the South Tyrolean Dolomites: The Adrenaline X-Treme Adventures Park in St. Vigil in Enneberg offers a 3.2 km long zipline.
Adrenaline X-treme Adventures
Thrill and adventure in the middle of the South Tyrolean Dolomites: The Adrenaline X-Treme Adventures Park in St. Vigil in Enneberg offers a 3.2 km long zipline.
Adrenaline X-treme Adventures
Thrill and adventure in the middle of the South Tyrolean Dolomites: The Adrenaline X-Treme Adventures Park in St. Vigil in Enneberg offers a 3.2 km long zipline.
Adrenaline Adventures
Thrill and adventure in the middle of the South Tyrolean Dolomites: The Adrenaline X-Treme Adventures Park in St. Vigil in Enneberg offers a 3.2 km long zipline.
Adrenaline X-treme Adventures
Thrill and adventure in the middle of the South Tyrolean Dolomites: The Adrenaline X-Treme Adventures Park in St. Vigil in Enneberg offers a 3.2 km long zipline.
Adrenaline X-treme Adventures
Thrill and adventure in the middle of the South Tyrolean Dolomites: The Adrenaline X-Treme Adventures Park in St. Vigil in Enneberg offers a 3.2 km long zipline.
Adrenaline X-treme Adventures
Thrill and adventure in the middle of the South Tyrolean Dolomites: The Adrenaline X-Treme Adventures Park in St. Vigil in Enneberg offers a 3.2 km long zipline.
Adrenaline X-treme Adventures
Thrill and adventure in the middle of the South Tyrolean Dolomites: The Adrenaline X-Treme Adventures Park in St. Vigil in Enneberg offers a 3.2 km long zipline.
Adrenaline X-treme AdventuresToday we do not climb a difficult mountain, today we speed downwards in St. Vigil in the Dolomites, on a 3.2 km long zip line which is 100 m high.
In St. Vigil 2008 Europe’s longest Zip Line opened. Zip lines are proofed cable ropes which are stretched between 2 fix points. Latched with carabiners in the rope, the wild run begins. The wind in the hair, the deepness and the bottom which comes nearer and nearer. But don’t worry: the Zip Line is CE proofed and you don’t have to have special requirements. After a short but intensive introduction, you can latch your carabiner autonomous in the zip line. And it’s always you who decides to fly fast or slowly! Pure adrenaline!
The first zip lines where built in Australia 30 years ago, to supply isolated farms with goods. Also, over canyons in other countries they stretched Slip Lines to transport goods and also people. Today, the zip lines are also entertainment. The one in St. Vigil is the biggest one in Europe.
Further information:
Adrenaline Xtreme Adventures
Via Catarina Lanz 24 - 39030 St. Vigil in Enneberg (BZ)
Tel. Office: +39 0474 646 621