Spatzen open-air

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They sing about mountains, homeland, love and friendship – themes that probably play an important rule not only in South Tyrol but nearly all over the world.

For many years, the folk music band Kastelruther Spatzen have been considered as musical ambassadors of the alpine region – and justifiably so. They are the most famous band of South Tyrol, touring through the whole world. 

Fortunately, time and again they come back to their home country: to the huge festival “Spatzenfest” in October and to the open-air concert in June. Both are important dates for all Spatzen fans, therefore you should get tickets and accommodation in time. 

The program of the two-day Spatzen open-air on 20 and 21 June 2025 includes several concerts of different folk music interpreters. The highlight is – of course – the Kastelruther Spatzen concert on Saturday evening.

Tickets & further information:
Organizer: O.K. Kastelruther Spatzen Fest
Street: Dolomitenstraße 1
Venue: I-39040 Kastelruth
Tel.: +39 0471 710 102
20.06.2025 - 21.06.2025
Time: 16:00 o'clock
Cable railway Seiser Alm - Seis am Schlern
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Kastelruther Spatzen

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