Symposium of Wood Sculpture

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If you come to Luttach in Ahrntal between 6 and 12 July 2025, you’ll feel like in a gigantic artist’s workshop. Watch the sculptors from all over the world bringing wooden blocks to life and transforming them into wonderful works of art!

Woodworking is a tradition with very ancient roots in South Tyrol. Regions such as Gröden are especially famous for woodcarving. There, artists create unique products, which are exported almost everywhere.

After the big success in the last years, the international wooden sculptor symposium in Ahrntal will be held this year again. Here, sculptors have the possibility to exhibit their works and sculptures. Moreover, the participants will be faced with the task to realize a work of art within 4.5 days.

The artists can work on a larch tree-trunk, which is at maximum 2.2 m long and has a diameter of 0.60 m. On the last day, a jury will review the works. In addition, locals and guests can choose their favourite sculpture.

Registration & further information:
Organizer: Tourist Office Ahrntal
Street: Ahrner Straße 22
Venue: I-39030 Luttach
Tel.: +39 0474 671 136
06.07.2025 - 12.07.2025
Village centre - Luttach
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