Easter "Preisguffen" in Niederdorf

The Easter habits are particularly vivid and varied in Niederdorf in Hochpustertal.
TV Niederdorf - Oberhofer Hermann
The Easter habits are particularly vivid and varied in Niederdorf in Hochpustertal.
TV Niederdorf - Oberhofer Hermann
The Easter habits are particularly vivid and varied in Niederdorf in Hochpustertal.
TV Niederdorf - Oberhofer Hermann
The Easter habits are particularly vivid and varied in Niederdorf in Hochpustertal.
TV Niederdorf - Oberhofer HermannEvery participant of the challenge has to bring an egg, which has to been boiled and coloured on Maundy Thursday. 2 adversaries knock their eggs against each other. The egg loses, which get destroyed.
Centuries ago, eggs were a very important aliment and after the long fast, eggs were an important provider of protein. But eggs were a rare good, too. Because of that, the farmers hold the “Preisguffen”-event every Easter Sunday in Niederdorf.
After the challenges the children go home for searching their chocolate Easter eggs, which the parents have hidden in the garden.