Webcam in St. Christina

Take a look at St. Cristina in Gröden with our webcams!

Live webcams

Webcam St. Christina in Gröden
Webcam St. Christina in Gröden

Monte Pana at 1,630 m

DOLOMITES Val Gardena / Gröden
Webcam St. Christina
Webcam St. Christina

View of Mt. Langkofel and Saslong slope

DOLOMITES Val Gardena / Gröden
Webcam St. Christina in Gröden
Webcam St. Christina in Gröden

Top station Col Raiser at 2,106 m

DOLOMITES Val Gardena / Gröden
Foto-Webcam St.Christina Gröden/S.Cristina Val Gardena
Foto-Webcam St.Christina Gröden/S.Cristina Val Gardena

View of the World Cup slope Saslong, with St.Christina Gröden/Santa Cristina in Val Gardena in the foreground. In the background the famous Sella Group, a UNESCO World Heritage.
Webcam St. Christina/Santa Crstina
Webcam St. Christina/Santa Crstina

St. Christina/Santa Cristina with view at the Langkofel/Sassolungo and the Plattkofel/Sassopiatto

Alpenhotel Plaza


In St. Christina in Gröden, traditionalism meets modern life. On the one hand there are century-old farmer’s houses and on the other hand modern hotels with the newest wellness areas.

It gives variety and offers a wide range of leisure activities. Apart from hiking and biking, you can also visit numerous sights in St. Christina, for example the beautiful church. In winter, especially skiers like spending their holidays in St. Christina, due to the perfectly prepared ski slopes and the splendid weather.

Take a look at our webcams in St. Christina!
