Accident and breakdown assistance in South Tyrol

No one wants it, but sometimes it happens: a breakdown or an accident with a car, motorbike or camper during a holiday in South Tyrol. We have collected some information for you in this case – from towing service to accident report.

In the case of an accident in Italy, and therefore also in South Tyrol, you must stop, switch on the hazard warning lights, put on the high-visibility waistcoat (that must always be in the car), secure the accident site and help any injured persons. If there are injured, the police or ambulance must be contacted: The best way is to use the standard European emergency number 112. In any case, you should also call the police if there is a major damage or a dispute with the other party involved in the accident. On motorways, there are emergency call boxes.

European accident report

It is always advisable to fill in a European accident report to document the exact circumstances of the accident and thus facilitate a quick settlement of the claim. The form is available for download in various languages, for example on the website of automobile clubs. It would be ideal to have two copies in your car at all times.

Towing service & more

The ACI (Automobile Club of Italy) breakdown and accident assistance can be reached around the clock in Italy on the free phone number 803 116 or with a foreign mobile phone on the number 800 116 800. If you have taken out insurance or membership with an automobile club, you can contact their hotline in the event of an accident or breakdown. Many car producers also offer a 24-hour service number as part of the mobility guarantee, which you can also use to get help in the event of an emergency in another European country.

Good to know
