Mt. Similaun
Considering that the starting point is at 1,700 m above sea level it easy to figure out, how many altimeters are to manage.
When you undertake a high alpine mountain tours nowadays it can happen, that you must never go on the eternal ice. But on the ascent to Mount Similaun this is totally different: only a few hundred meters from the Similaun Refuge begins already the glacier, which accompanies mountaineers to the peak.
Tour description:
Starting point is Vernagt in Schnalstal (Vinschgau). Take path 2 and hike through the lonely valley Tisen to the Similaun Refuge at 3,019 m above sea level. To reach the refuge you need about 3,5 hours. Considering the big difference in altitude, we recommend to undertake the peak-ascent the next day.
The next day you cross a short rock passage. After a few hundred meters you reach already the glacier. But attention, the glacier has many crevasses: rope, climbing irons and pickax are obligatory. For your orientation: at the East- and Westside ascent-traces leads you to the snow- or ice ridge, the last one before the peak. (2 hours from refuge)
The way back is the same as to get there.
Details of the tour:
- Length: 5,5 – 6 hours ascent, 5 hours descent
- Altimeters: 1300 to the refuge, 587 m to the peak
- Level of difficulty: medium difficult

The high-alpine tour to Mt. Similaun is just recommended to experienced mountaineers with good stamina.
Tourismusverein Schnalstal - Gruener Thomas
As many meters have to mastered on this challenging tour, a night at Similaun hut at 3,019 m is recommended.
Tourismusverein Schnalstal - Gruener Thomas